20/08/14 – #summerised

In #edbookfest, HOME, LITERATURE by Sam Prance

#summerised is a feature in which we divulge on shows and talks we’ve seen this summer: what we liked about them, and what we didn’t.

Irma Kurtz, Agony Aunt

Irma-Kurtz-at-home_2821259bWhat’s it all about? Kurtz discusses her first autobiography and divulges on how and why she became an agony aunt in the first place.
The good Kurtz chats rebelling against her parents as a young woman by working as a waitress for two and a half years and leaving America for Paris. Girl power.
The not-so-good Could have done with more agony related gems from her career.
Best quote On online dating: ‘It’s impossible to fall in love with a man you’ve never smelled.’

(For more on Kurtz, check out our feature on her: Kurtz So Good (Sorry) – #introducing)

Rhian Edwards, Joshua Idehen, William Letford, Rachel McCrum, Poets

8176443570_366ab150f1_zWhat’s it all about? Voices in the Dark: Edwards, Idehen, Letford and McCrum perform their poetry…in the dark. 
The good Touching and hilarious, this event confirmed that poetry should be spoken aloud more often. Idehen’s ode to Gandalf was a personal highlight. 
The not-so-good I attended hungover and slightly worse for wear. The fact that the event was in the dark made this slightly less of a problem but poetry as brilliant as this deserves more respect than that of my sorry self. *lowers head in shame*  
Best quote Letford on sex: ‘aye       right       okay      right right            okay’ – use your imagination on this one. 

(For more on Voices in the Dark, check out our commentary: Gandalf, Sex & Docs Tipexed)

Julian Baggini, Philosopher

4027484_origWhat’s it all about? Food is a part of the good life, don’t knock it ’til you’ve tried it.
The good Philosophical justification to enjoy food – I’m not being greedy, I’m just channeling Aristotle.
The not-so-good Ever so slightly unrelatable.
Best quote (Not from Baggini, but from Ray Cross the compere) “Did you all see that Jeanette Winterson caught the rabbit that was eating her parsley and skinned and ate it…”

(For more on Julian Baggini, check out his website: microphilosophy)

Kei Miller, Kamila Shamsie and Christos Tsiolkas, Authors

keimillerfinalWhat’s it all about? Letters From Home, short stories adapted for theatre. Is home a where, a what, or a what isn’t?
The good Kei Miller’s enhanced Jamaican accent for the reading of his letters; Christos Tsiolkas’ energetic tirade of Biblically-inspired prose.
The not-so-good Not enough engaging with the notion of adaptation for theatre. And, alas, Chimamanda Ngozie Adichie’s absence!
Best quote (Kei Miller, answering the question “where is home?”) ‘I was born in Jamaica, and I live in Glasgow. When I’ve spent enough time in Glasgow with the wet and the grey, I start to think I need to go home. When I’ve been two weeks in Jamaica, in my parents’ house, I start to think I need to go home.’

(For more on Letters Home, check out their EIBF webpage her: Letters Home)

Bonnie Greer, Playwright, Novelist, Critic

American Writer and Playwright, Bonnie GreerWhat’s it all about? Greer reads excerpts form her autobiography, whilst discussing topics ranging from racism to gun control.
The good Despite the serious nature of the talk, Greer was charming and utterly human. When speaking of her father, she was brought to tears, as were much of the audience.
The not-so-good Little to no talk on Greer’s current work with the British Museum
Best quote On the protestant nature of her household: ‘in my house it was a case of: if you wanna get a hug, buy a dog.’

(For more on Greer, check out our feature on her: Bonnie Greer: An Education – #wordfromtheyurt)

The PTL Team

The PTL Team are the collective of professional journalists (bumbling students) behind all that goes on on Prancing Through LIFE. We’re similar in many ways but different in others. One thing we do all enjoy, however, is prancing. Why walk through life, when you can prance?

If you’re interested in getting involved with PTL – drop us a message on prancingthroughlife@live.com.

(Images sourced from: here, herehere, here & here)