The Aftermath of Paris Fashion Week – #streetstyle

In #streetstyle, ART & FASHION, Features, HOME by Charlotte Dawnay

#streetstyle is a feature in which your friend and ours, Hannah Beer, skips around London stopping, photographing and questioning those she deems stylish. If you have noticed an Audrey Hepburn look-alike admiring your fashion it was probably Ms. Beer. It is also worth noting that the concept of street style is unique to Prancing Through LIFE. Copyright 2013.

A couple of months ago my friends and I decided it would be a good idea to blow our student loans on some Eurostar tickets for a weekend trip to Paris. It was definitely a good idea – the weather was perfect for café-sitting, sight-seeing and, most importantly, street-styling. Hot off the heels of Paris Fashion Week (i.e. the biggest event in the fashion calendar), I knew that this weekend more than ever Paris would live up to its reputation as the most stylish city in the world.

Emmie, 21

paris2If ever there was an embodiment of Parisian chic, this is it. Breton stripe? Check. Leather jacket? Check. The perfect amount of black for a sunny day? Check, check, check. In fact, after taking Emmie’s picture, we went to a vintage shop where I found my own perfect Breton stripe top, which I obviously had to buy and wore the next day with my own leather jacket. Imitation is the best form of flattery and all that.

What does style mean to you?

Personal expression… and comfort. Comfort is the most important thing!

Akim, 36

paris4My friend described this outfit as nothing less than pure sass, which, to be honest, is the best possible description. Wearing tweed and matching your vest to your brooch, gloves and watch and not looking like you’re wearing a uniform is a pretty impressive feat, but it’s even more impressive that he made every single one of us – bearing in mind four of us are girls – jealous that we couldn’t wear that exact outfit. When he gave me his card, I saw he was a stylist. Well, bien sur.

Lucas and Tristan, 26 and 25

paris3We saw these guys on the way to Palais de Tokyo, which was filled with equally stylish people but I was too distracted by the amazing installations to think about taking anyone’s photo. Usually I veer towards photographing men in perfectly cut, well-tailored suits (like Akim), but I fell in love with Lucas’ camel coat and how effortlessly cool the two of them looked together. I actually love the simple blue jeans/white T shirt combination on Tristan – boy or girl, it’s always a great look.

What does style mean to you?

A way of life!

Naziko and Rustam, 24 and 25

paris1I felt I couldn’t not get a couple shot in Paris, and, luckily, in the midst of the swarm of them at the Eiffel Tower, Naziko’s Jeffrey Campbells caught my eye. I loved how cute she looked with her pearl collar and red pencil skirt, and the contrast of her in in black and red with Rustam in white trousers. Which is always a bold choice, but if you’re in Paris, and the weather is this lovely, then why not?

Hannah Beer

Hannah Beer is a student at University College London. She studies Italian and German. In her spare time Hannah enjoys eating red velvet cupcakes and banging on about feminism. When Hannah grows up she’d like to be Audrey Hepburn – this may prove difficult but let the haters hate. Hannah looks a lot like anyway Audrey Hepburn so she’s half way there.

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