Some websites have an ABOUT page. We are one of those websites.
- Prancing Through LIFE is a platform via which people write stuff on their cultural interests, life stories and viewpoints. It is a celebration of culture, it is a critique of culture – it is culture.
- It is not a site for writers per say but a site for people who have things to write about.
- Whatever that may be.
- Sometimes we like to discuss important issues, sometimes we like to discuss the things we love and sometimes we like to discuss how important issues interlink with the things we love.
- For a brief period we tried to make it a PTL staple that all our articles reflected on life experience as well as culture and the world at large. However, we soon realised that this doesn’t really work if you’re commenting on something which you’ve never personally experienced. For example Hannah O, our Editor of FILM, THEATRE & TV, wrote a cracking piece on Jennifer Lawrence and the phone hacking scandal. Hannah O is not JLaw – apols – and she has never had private naked images of her leaked to cyberspace but she did think it worthwhile commenting on the fact that this is shit and JLaw and all the other celebrities involved have every right to their own privacy. With that in mind, whilst we encourage people to let us into their lives as well as their thoughts – it’s not necessary. All that’s important when it comes to PTL is that you write in your own voice. The PTL shtick is not to see how we can make a piece work for PTL but how we can make PTL work for a piece.
- At some point in our existence it seemed appropriate to start using the acronym PTL.
- PTL may also refer to: Praise the Lord, Post-Thesis Life and Pain Tolerance Level.
- If you ever prance as you wander down the street, we salute you. The power of prancing should never be underestimated or taken for granted.
- Sometimes we wonder what the world would be like if unicorns were real.
- If you want a better idea as to what we’re all about, you’re probably best having a read of some of the articles and getting to know our TEAM. And if you fancy contributing head on over to our SUBMIT page.
Why walk through life, when you can prance?
The PTL Team
The PTL Team are the collective of professional journalists – bumbling young people – behind all that goes on on Prancing Through LIFE. We’re similar in many ways but different in others. Find us dotted about the site.
If you want to stay posted with PTL content and musings, follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
If you’re interested in getting involved with PTL – drop us an email on